星期六 9月30日 Sat 30 Sep | 4pm
Single Cinema Ticket: $15
Prices exclude SISTIC booking fees
美国 USA | 2021 | 96 min | PG
华语附英文字幕 Mandarin with English subtitles
导演 Directed by Edward Burger
Edward A. Burger在中国居住十二年多,是跟随终南山隐士生活和学习的少数外国人之一。 THE MOUNTAIN PATH《山道》叙述了他个人的心路旅程,内容包括他如何寻得自己的终身导师,随后便融入这群专致隐士们的世界。我们在目睹山区独处的日常实际挑战的当儿,隐士们则分享着关于生、死和内心旅程的宝贵教义。
THE MOUNTAIN PATH《山间》运用了Edward 15年前为制作广受好评的电影 Amongst White Clouds《共坐白云中》而收集的原始素材精心制作而成。THE MOUNTAIN PATH《山道》提供的是一个全新的电影体验,包含新的采访片段和全新的旁白叙述及剪辑方式;一切都为了揭示这些隐士所教授的永恒教义,在现代社会仍然存有清新和深刻的视角。
A spirited young man journeys into the mountains of China in search of a Buddhist hermit master. Along the trail he meets an unexpected cast of dedicated recluses; the gaunt ascetic, the persevering nun, a wise old master and his disciples, all who, despite living far from the world, teach him all about how to live within it.
Edward A. Burger lived in China for over twelve years and is one of the few foreigners to have lived and studied with the hermits of the Zhongnan Mountains. THE MOUNTAIN PATH recounts his personal journey, including the story of how he found his lifelong teacher and entered into the world of these dedicated recluses. We witness the practical everyday challenges of mountain solitude, while the hermits share precious teachings on life, death and the journey within.
THE MOUNTAIN PATH is crafted from original footage Edward gathered over fifteen years ago to make his critically acclaimed film, Amongst White Clouds. Offering a whole new cinematic experience, The Mountain Path includes new interview footage and a new voice-over narration and editing style; all revealing a fresh and deepened perspective on the timeless teachings of these hermits in modern times.

Edward Burger 在俄亥俄州的一个小镇里长大,每天都是在森林和田野里度过。他最喜欢的玩具就是他的显微镜。他后来用它来换取一个相机。他在伍斯特学院研读宗教学并在印度菩提伽耶的安提阿大学修读佛学。
毕业后,Edward Burger移居中国并在那里学会读写中文, 还到中国中部偏远的终南山区寻找一位隐居山中的佛教大师。起初他是跟随这位隐士大师学习,后来则在中国主要的禅宗寺院的禅堂里修读佛教禅修和哲学。早期的Edward Burger偶尔会担任电影片场的口译员,之后的他最终开始制作自己的纪录片,讲述他非常熟悉的佛教社群。片名包括 《共坐白云中》、《净食》、《戒》、《一心》以及最近的 《山道》。Edward Burger在中国住了12年多。他现在与妻子兼电影制作伙伴Agnes居住在亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫。
Edward Burger grew up in a small Ohio town, spending his days in forests and fields. His microscope was his favourite toy. He would trade it in for a camera much later in life. He studied religion at The College of Wooster and Buddhism with Antioch University in Bodh Gaya, India.
After graduation, Edward moved to China, where he learned to read and write Mandarin and sought out a Buddhist master living in the remote Zhongnan Mountain region in central China. He studied Buddhist meditation and philosophy, first with this hermit master and later in the meditation halls of China’s most vital Zen Monasteries. In the earlier years, Edward was working occasionally as a film-set interpreter, before he eventually began making his own documentary films about the Buddhist communities with which he had become so familiar. Titles include, AMONGST WHITE CLOUDS, ALMS, VOWS, ONE MIND and most recently, THE MOUNTAIN PATH. Edward stayed in China for over 12 years. He now lives in Flagstaff, AZ with his wife and filmmaking partner, Agnes.
《山道》是一部电影日记回忆录 – 反思本人进入中国终南山山脉寻找依据古老传统智慧生活的佛教隐士修行者引导寻思的旅程。这部影片是关于这些专致的修行者的毅力和勇气。即是从无数分心陪伴的诱惑中抽离来探索我们内心世界的毅力和勇气。隐士们将引导您探索自己的内心世界。就像我多年以来,每次拜访师父隐居之处时他如何引导我一样;离开这些山区后的您,绝非是走入山间的那个人。
THE MOUNTAIN PATH is a cinema diary – reflecting my journey into China’s Zhongnan Mountain range in search of contemplative guidance from Buddhist hermit practitioners living this ancient wisdom tradition. It is a film about the grit and the courage of these dedicated practitioners. The grit and courage it takes to step away from the seductive companionship of the mind’s myriad distractions in order to explore our inner world. The hermits will guide you in the exploration of your own inner-landscapes. Just as I’ve experienced with every visit to my shifu’s hermitage over the many years he has guided me; you will not walk out of these mountains as the same person who walked into them.
Edward Burger
星期三 9月27日 Wed 27 Sep | 7pm
美国 USA | 2009 | 23 min | PG
ALMS is a cinematic tour through a remote mountain Chan/Zen Buddhist monastery in Southern China. Audiences are guided by the community’s Head Chef as he explains the traditional cultivation, distribution and ritual offering of food in this traditional Buddhist community.
星期三 9月27日 Wed 27 Sep | 7pm
美国 USA | 2013 | 37 min | PG
VOWS《戒》的场景位于河北省现代中国佛教寺院 – 柏林寺的一场200多位僧众受戒的三壇大戒法会,三藏阅读和讲座的大型仪式所带来的图像和声音。
VOWS is set during a massive Triple- course readings and lectures, platform Ordination for over 200 bringing images and sounds from monastics held at Bailin Chan modern China’s Buddhist Monastery in Hebei Province. Ven. communities into your classroom.
星期六 9月30日 Sat 30 Sep | 1pm
台湾 Taiwan | 2021 | 89 min | 内容只宜十三岁及以上 PG13: Some Mature Content
The film documents how three terminal patients, Guan Wei, Yao Hua, and Yu Shan, face every moment of death before they die.