Sun 24 Sep | 11am
Single Cinema Ticket: $15
Prices exclude SISTIC booking fees
Sweden, South Africa | 2019 | 90 min | NC16: Some Nudity
Mandarin/ Chichewa with English Subtitles
Directed by Nicole Schafer
Enock Alu, a Malawian teenager growing up in a Chinese Buddhist orphanage, feels torn between his African roots and Chinese upbringing. Once the star performer with dreams of becoming a martial arts hero like Jet Li, Enock, in his final year of school, has to make some tough decisions about his future. Will he return to his relatives in his home village or study abroad in Taiwan? Set against China’s expanding influence on the continent, Buddha in Africa provides a unique insight into the forces of cultural soft power on the identity and imagination of an African boy and his school friends growing up between two cultures.

Nicole Schafer is a South African filmmaker who was born in 1980. She is a writer, director, producer, editor, and cinematographer. She is best known for her documentary film BUDDHA IN AFRICA (2019), which won the Golden Horn Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 2019 Durban International Film Festival.
Schafer studied film and television at the University of Cape Town. After graduating, she worked as a cinematographer on several short films and documentaries. In 2012, she began working on BUDDHA IN AFRICA, which took her six years to complete. The film follows the story of Enock Alu, a young Malawian boy who is raised in a Buddhist orphanage in Malawi. The film explores the challenges of growing up in a multicultural environment and the importance of cultural identity.
BUDDHA IN AFRICA was critically acclaimed and was nominated for several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film was also praised for its cinematography and Schafer’s direction.
In addition to BUDDHA IN AFRICA, Schafer has also directed several short films and documentaries. She is currently working on her next feature film, which is a thriller set in South Africa.
I first came across the story of the Chinese Buddhist orphanage while I was living in Malawi, producing features for Reuters Africa Journal. I was working on a story about orphans at the time that Madonna was adopting her second child, Mercy. At this time Malawi and other parts of Africa, were experiencing a rapid influx of Chinese investment and Chinese nationals – following the formalising of Malawi’s diplomatic ties with the People’s Republic of China. I felt this story would be a fascinating lens through which to view and engage in the debates around the implications of China’s involvement in Africa.
Western critics were describing it as China’s “colonisation” of the African continent or “China’s Scramble for Africa.” For many African leaders on the other hand, the feeling was that Chinese trade and investment offer a welcome alternative to a dependency on aid from the West.
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. It is dependent on donor aid for most of its annual national budget. The former colonial powers have left countries like Malawi reeling in debt. Its new Asian partner offers trade, not aid. But will it treat Africa all that differently to how the West has?
Nicole Schafer
星期三 9月27日 Wed 27 Sep | 7pm
美国 USA | 2009 | 23 min | PG
ALMS is a cinematic tour through a remote mountain Chan/Zen Buddhist monastery in Southern China. Audiences are guided by the community’s Head Chef as he explains the traditional cultivation, distribution and ritual offering of food in this traditional Buddhist community.
星期三 9月27日 Wed 27 Sep | 7pm
美国 USA | 2013 | 37 min | PG
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VOWS is set during a massive Triple- course readings and lectures, platform Ordination for over 200 bringing images and sounds from monastics held at Bailin Chan modern China’s Buddhist Monastery in Hebei Province. Ven. communities into your classroom.
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台湾 Taiwan | 2021 | 89 min | 内容只宜十三岁及以上 PG13: Some Mature Content
The film documents how three terminal patients, Guan Wei, Yao Hua, and Yu Shan, face every moment of death before they die.